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Info and forum posts by 'groovedoctor'

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Joined on: Thursday, 22nd March 2001, 18:25, Last used: Thursday, 22nd March 2001, 18:25

Access Level: Competent

About this user: Got DVD late 2000, VHS sucks
My favourite film of all time is Raiders of the Lost Ark, followed by The Empire Strikes Back (Original Ed)
I hate teenflicks, romantic movies, romantic comedies and period flicks.

This user has posted a total of 69 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.06 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Can I make my DVD-rom power DVD player region free?

When I first used it, it would play discs from 1 and 2 now it will only play region 2. Does anybody know and simple way around this?
Thanks :-)

RE: 100 Greatest Films - Channel 4 - Saturday - what`s your 1-2-3 ?

top three ehh?

1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. The Empire Strikes Back
3. Back to the Future

RE: Phantom Menace - Just out of curiosity, does anyone FAVOUR this film to the others?

Empire is the best
then Star Wars
Then Return of the Jedi
Then the episode II trailer
then Episode I (don`t get me wrong I LIKE Episode I)

This item was edited on Sunday, 18th November 2001, 14:05

RE: Anyone seen the 2nd Episode II trailer yet?

In response to the Boba Fett comment, it`s not Boba Fett it`s his father Jango Fett.
Looks bloody amazing.

Die Hard with a Vengeance on R1 box - is it cut?

The Uk version has soom language dubbed over, violence trimmed from the long knife scene, elevator shootout and the whipping with a chain on the bad guy in ship. All theses are supposed to be in the UNCUT R1 version but apparently (on IMDB alternate versions page) there is a cut to the scene in the ship showing Mclane wrap the chain around the guys throat before taking his radio and clip.
Does anybody own this already and can tell me this isn`t true?

RE: Terminator 2 Ultimate Edition Extras? Help!!

Another way of getting the ultimate edit is to start the film and then choose track 3 (track 1 = theatrical, track 2 = Special)
The ultimate ed adds two scenes, they are:

T1000 seaches Johns room for clues to his whearabouts. (after he kills Max the dog)

and the alternate ending you already knew about.

As for glitches, I only noticed one, when the red snipers laser appears on the back of Dyson`s neck. (this is where the footage from the two versions rejoin)

RE: what dvds is everyone looking to buy in the next few months

I`ll be getting:
Star Trek Motion Picture Directors Ed
Episode I
T2 ult ed (r1)
and a few 007 discs...

RE: if we can get five against germany

I agree that Seaman is past his best but he`s the best we have at the moment and if he had conceded goal(s) and not made the saves when it was 1-1 then we could now be looking at a very different score.

RE: Two Star Trek Questions

Wow, at least one Trek film with extras. Sadly no isolated score :-(

Star Wars : Episode II Attack of the Clones

I`ve heard that this is officially the title of the new Star Wars
movie, cringe!
Has George Lucas got a thing with stupid titles? Temple of Doom anyone?

Diamonds Are Forever - Aspect ratio question

I saw this on an italian movie channel presented in an aspect ratio definitely greater than 2.35:1 (I think 2.45:1). The packaging states 1.77:1 and DVD reviewer states 2.35:1. So does anybody own the DVD and can tell me what ratio it has been transferred to.

RE: 007 cut on DVD?

Licence To Kill is uncut on Region 2 as the previous cuts could now be suitable for a 15 certificate.
GoldenEye has three headbutts cut but I have heard that the DVD print is uncut. (Sky TV showed it UNCUT)
Tomorrow Never Dies is cut with the Michelle Yeoh shruiken scene taking cuts and Bond stamping on the guards face.
Also various sound effects have been toned down.

RE: Die Hard Ultimate Collection - were you as impressed as I was?

I am thinking of buying this set, but I want to know if it is true that there are deleted sequences on Die Hard, and deleted scenes on Die Hard 2 before I purchase.
Has anybody watched these and let me know if they exist and if they do then what they contain.

RE: Most impressive overall Original Score?

Tomorrow Never Dies has an isolated music score which is great because that is one of my all time favourite scores, David Arnold also did Stargate and Independence Day which weren`t as good.
Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favourite especially the well of the souls scene.
Alan Silvestri composed the scores for the Back To The Future Trilogy which were also quite orginal.
Basic Instinct by Jerry Goldsmith and STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE! How could I forget that one!

What is the best opening scene/sequence ever?

Now this could be from any movie, I would nominate Star Wars IV with the blockade runner, Indiana Jones (any of the three), some of the Bond pre-title sequences perhaps The World is Not Enough`s boat chase, The Matrix in the old hotel which sets the tone for the rest of the film.
Any more?

RE: Is there a release date for the Back to the Future Trilogy?

Thanks Bryan, next year isn`t too long away, I was expecting later but it should be a Universal release and they haven`t held back classic releases like Jaws for long.
I expect Paramount to delay the Indy trilogy even longer :-(

Is there a release date for the Back to the Future Trilogy?

This is one release I have been waiting a long time for, even though the second movie is pretty damn poor, the first movie is one of my all time favourites.

RE: Whats the last DVD everyone bought?

I snapped up Close Encounters on Region 2 and it was far from ridiculous except the price, £18.99!

RE: Close Encounters question.....

What version did you watch?
The DVD contained a 1hr 45 min documentary on disc 2.
Plus deleted scenes.
however the original documentary (if it can be called that) and the original trailers weren`t as high quality I must say.

RE: Close Encounters question.....

The version presented on the DVD is the Collectors Edition.
It is a spliced edtion of both the original and special editions.
It loses the inside space ship ending because I was supposed to remain a mystery.
Special Edition scenes include, Roy breaks down in the shower
The ship in the desert scene, driving to mooncroft, alternate roy intro.
Retained (re-inserted from original)
Roy goes outside and breaks plants chicken wire etc and throws them inside, press conference at the air force base (after Barry is abducted)
New ending, demostration by Lacombe of the sign language shortened to remove audience cheering at the end.
The UFO scanning the McDonalds sign on the road.
I think there are a few other minor differences, check out the IMDB alternate versions for more information.
Hope that helps

RE: Whats the first dvd everyone bought?

Drive Director`s Cut (R2), rather good actually.


If you liked that Star Wars goof check out the bit in Return of the Jedi (all editions) when the bunker blows up and Han Solo is running away from it. Check out his reflection behind him in the safety screen, always makes me laugh.
Also in Empire there is a major continuity error. Where the hell does Luke Skywalker`s ladder go when he is leaving Dagobah?


No, trust me it`s in. And it ain`t in the bit your talking about it`s when the platoon break in through the door of the operations room and discover C3-PO and R2-D2 in the small room. It shows up better in widescreen as you can see him for a couple of seconds afterwards clutching his helmet.
This scene is present in both the Original and 1997 Special Edition.
What is missing from the 1997 edition however is several moments which have been censored for unknown reasons. The guard in the black uniform spinning to the ground when the heros enter the control room is trimmed as is the break in at the Detention block AA-23 when the `where are you taking this...thing?` guard is blasted.


Actually Mcbain, they didn`t. The stormtrooper bit is all present and correct still with a sound effect.
I would love it if they had seamless branching versions so you can watch the original versions of the trilogy instead of the poor Special Editions.
(eg greedo firing first, the pointless extra scenes towards the end of Empire with Vader flying to the super star destroyer and the new cheesier ending to Return of the Jedi)
Also I hope all the Deleted scenes (some already available on the Behind the Magic CD-Rom) from all three are included and cleaned up.

RE: What is the WORST extra you have found on a DVD?

I got one! The alternate Independance Day ending? Were they taking the p***? How was he going to fire a missile strapped to his plane without taking himself out? Utterly pointless.

RE: Which `panned` films did you enjoy.....?

Star Wars Episode I,
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Waterworld (expensive nonsense)

RE: STAR WARS on VCD - verdict??

Don`t buy them! They`re pan and scan versions!
Wait for Widescreen!

The best DVD production company is...

Which companies release the best disks of their films?
Paramount have plenty to release but their extras are of poor quality and quantity,
Warner deserve credit for releasing just about everything (films like Blade Runner / Wild Bunch) but suffer with their rubbish cases.
Fox are generally good with average features (although the recent Predator problem may change your mind)
Columbia Tristar are my choice of best company for their releases which are mostly jam packed with extras.
Pathe have released a few good ones.
Have I missed any?

RE: The Phantom Menace :-((((((

Sure you can`t top Empire but Phantom is easily better than Return Of The Jedi.
You have to fast forward an hour to the start of the film.

RE: Possible Star Wars dvd specs?????

Episode I was good, so it`s not the first trilogy but it suffers from harsh comparisons. Kill Jar Jar and Anakin and it would have been better I must admit but you can`t fault the pod race and lightsabre battles.
At least until Episode II...