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Info and forum posts by 'bowfer'

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Joined on: Thursday, 20th November 2003, 11:01, Last used: Tuesday, 6th March 2012, 17:07

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This user has posted a total of 16918 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 2.2 messages a day, or 15.41 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Anyone claiming Child Tax Credits? Prepare to lose them

i thought it was still at £44k for CB

If any single person in the household earns approx £44k or more, they will lose the Child Benefit.
But that £44k might be the only income in that household.
Your neighbours might each earn £40k, they will keep it.
The more often I type it, the more ludicrous it seems that a household with £44k will lose it, but a household with £80k will keep it....
Just mind boggling.

RE: Anyone claiming Child Tax Credits? Prepare to lose them

The £20.30 per week for first child and then £13.40 for additional children?

That`s the fella.
It`s £108.00 per month for us.
We`ll lose it because I earn more than the proposed allowance, but the wife earns very little.
Meanwhile, entirely feasible our neighbours on a combined £80k a year will keep it.
It just defies logic.

RE: Anyone claiming Child Tax Credits? Prepare to lose them

I believe it affects those with only one child

2013 removal of child benefit only affects those with one child?

RE: Anyone claiming Child Tax Credits? Prepare to lose them

What`s family allowance then?

Family allowance is what everyone with a child gets, currently regardless of income.
I`ve long agreed this is daft, it`s stupid that people who clearly don`t need it still get it.
I know people who use it to pay for holidays etc.

RE: Anyone claiming Child Tax Credits? Prepare to lose them

One parent earning just over the 40% band and family allowance will be lost completely. But husband and wife both earn 42k and it`s fine.

I`m still hopeful that as D-Day approaches, pressure will be put on them to think again.
As you say, it`s ludicrous that a family with a single earner on £45k will lose it.
But a family with two people each earning £40k (total household income £80k) will keep it.
It should be based on the household income, and that`s that.

RE: RIP: Frank Carson

I mention Newman and Baddiel, as a month or so ago I said to a colleague "you see that there, that`s you that is" and he started laughing, remembering something of TV from years ago

Good old `History today`.

RE: RIP: Frank Carson


I don`t think there is a single comedian or writer (if that`s what you`d prefer to call Mitchell) of today`s generation that will be remembered at that age

We`ll have to wait and see.
But even the law of averages suggests you`ll be wrong.
Seriously, not a single one who, when they die at 85, will have people remembering them fondly?
Come on...

RE: credit card help

If the OP is only `borrowing` £800, I can`t see much better option than a credit card.
Bank loans for that amount are practically non-existent, or a very high APR.
He may be able to negotiate a temporary overdraft, but that will undoubtedly have fees too.
Really, for only £800, a credit card with 0% on purchases for a few months is as good as it gets.
Alternatively, he buys the equipment from a shop doing 0% finance for a year etc.

RE: RIP: Frank Carson

I wonder if anyone will miss Michael Mackintyre or David Mitchell etc in this way when they die at 85...

I wouldn`t miss Michael Macintyre if the floppy haired buffoon died today, never mind at 85.
Mitchell is a funny one to throw in the mix, as he`s not a stand up comedian.
He`s more of a comedy writer/commentator, perfectly possible he`ll still be writing at 85.
I think there are stand-up comedians around today that have career longevity though.
Like Frank, their TV careers may die, but they`ll still do the comedy circuit/after dinner market.

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd February 2012, 10:16

RE: Netflix has saved me around £54/month

A 90% saving for far better content seemed a no brainer

A no-brainer for you, because the content suits you.
And you already have the equipment to stream it in various rooms.
The content doesn`t suit me, and I`d have to buy hardware to stream it into the bedrooms.
I`m not knocking Netflix, I`m just saying it`s far from a replacement for SKY for many people.

RE: credit card help

I`ve never had a problem with MBNA.

RE: credit card help

MBNA are doing a card with 0% on purchases for 3 months.
It`s called the `Fluid` card.
Even if you don`t plan to pay off all the £800 in 3 months, you could pay as much as you can in that time and then the balance will just be at a normal APR.

RE: Cyclist bashing.

Any serious cyclist should have third party and public liability insurance.
Save their arses being sued if they hurt someone.

RE: Cyclist bashing.

Lol, he`s on a bike! It`s a lot easier for him to run lights and use the pavement than you, and your on foot
I can run like ****.

RE: Cyclist bashing.

If you watch it a few times, at the start it looks like the silver driver is deliberately hugging the black car on the inside, to prevent the cyclist from getting past.
I noticed that, but didn`t take it as the silver car blocking the bike.
I took it as him trying to `force` his way into the left hand lane.
Which he evidently wanted to do, seeing as he ended up there.
I tell you what though, I`d have been out of the car and after the cyclist.
Chances are you`d catch him no problem in that traffic.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st February 2012, 14:48

RE: Cyclist bashing.

On a related note, I suspect some are going to look at this and see a bad cyclist, others a bad driver (or 2)...

What is the cyclist`s problem there?
It looks like he was `staring out` the person in the silver car, I`ve no idea why as the silver car doesn`t do anything to endanger him.
Then he gets a scare when he looks back and nearly runs into the car in front.
And that`s the silver car driver`s fault...why...?

RE: Chisora and Haye, pair of thugs :(

Like pop personalities they get away with crap us ordinary plebs would be jailed for life for

They avoid stuff we`d get jailed for life for?

RE: Cyclist bashing.

I see a fair few cyclists that are innocently riding along and I don`t recall in the last few years seeing one that was doing anything remotely wrong.
This might sound daft, but even the ones I see doing nothing wrong can be an utter pain in the bum.
A road I have to use twice a day is frequented by cyclists.
They`re cycling properly, they`re wearing the right gear etc.etc.
But the fact is the road concerned simpy can`t cope with traffic having to slow down for them, even for a few seconds.
So them being there can cause massive tailbacks.
So everyone ends up hating them just the same as if they were riding like dicks.

RE: What technological achievements can you realistically see happening in the next 50 years?

I know they can do that now. I guess price is the problem at the mo`.

I`m unsure what stage we`re at with this, TBH.
I know you can buy pads that will charge a phone without wires.
I also remember reading about an electric car that can charge by driving onto a `plate` installed on a drive/road, rather than being plugged in.
But still a long way from a `socketless` house, I think.

RE: What technological achievements can you realistically see happening in the next 50 years?

Wireless power.
So you can mount/place stuff wherever you want in your house, without the need for a power socket anywhere near it.

RE: Cyclist bashing.

Any misdemeanours on a pushbike and your punishment is being shoved down a steep hill on a Raleigh Chopper.
That`ll learn `em, as their lives are left in the hands of the speedwobble gods.

RE: car insurance renewal... what a load of tosh!!

You don`t really hear much about them making any losses do you.

They claim to have been losing money on insurance for decades.

Of course, as the articles points out, this is only based on comparing premiums with payouts.
It doesn`t take account of investments made from the premiums etc.

RE: Chisora and Haye, pair of thugs :(

It`s not exactly a modern day malaise either, is it.
How long ago was it Holyfield had his ear bitten off?

RE: Cyclist bashing.

But as a driver and a cyclist I see far more bad drivers than cyclists

I`m not disagreeing, but at least with motorists you have a means of reporting them.
If you see a cyclist riding like a dick, you`ve got zero chance of being able to track them down.
This is why I feel drivers get exasperated with some cyclists.
The perception that cyclists think "Sod you, you can`t do anything"

RE: Chisora and Haye, pair of thugs :(

You can`t help thinking this sort of thing is precisely what boxing needs though.
Needle, hatred.
It`s been in the doldrums for years, this will draw the crowds in.

RE: car insurance renewal... what a load of tosh!!

It seems to me insurance companies are going about this all the wrong way.
We all know their `ploy` is to rely on lazy people renewing whatever the cost.
But, these days, there must surely only be a small proportion rolling over and doing this.
So the insurance companies must be losing repeat business hand over fist.
All battling instead to get new business.
More sensible second-year pricing will let them keep business instead of constantly chasing new.

RE: Car shopping again!

Stick some winter tyres on a BMW and they`re great.
Even on standard tyres, to single them out as particularly bad is nonsense.
I`ve had Audis and Saabs that were equally hopeless in snow on standard tyres.
Ebay is a good source of cheap winter tyres, seeing as the car itself is cheap and new ones would be a big percentage of the value.

RE: Charlie Brooker

No older than the people presenting the bloody show.

RE: Charlie Brooker

I`m back to recording the 10 O`clock show, fast forwarding to Brooker, then deleting after his bit.
And the audience is still bloody stee-oo-dents.